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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Only ‘poor Thais’ can be street vendors, says City Hall

New City Hall rules say that only “poor Thais” will be allowed to be street vendors in Bangkok and they will be barred from employing migrants, among many other requirements.
Bangkok governor Chadchart Sittipunt has signed a notice outlining the new rules and it will take effect when the Royal Gazette publishes it, said Aekvarunyoo Amrapala, a spokesman for the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration.
Under the new regulations, street vendors must have Thai nationality, hold government welfare cards, be paying instalments for houses built by the National Housing Authority and receive welfare allowances from the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security.
In addition, they must be included in the annual taxation system of the Revenue Department. Their income must not exceed 300,000 baht a year after deducting business-related costs on their tax returns.
Each vendor is allowed to have a sales assistant who must also be Thai. Vendors must also receive permission from the relevant public health authorities.
Vendors must ensure pedestrians have a space 1.5 to 2 metres wide to walk in depending on street widths. The area of each stall is limited to three square metres. Stalls must occupy only the side of the pavement adjacent to a road surface but must be at least 50cm from the road for safety.
There must also be a space at least 3 metres long at an interval of every 10 stalls to function as an emergency exit.
